Weight-loss Challenge Progress

Stage 1 - 4 kg down!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Champion Lakes

A new Champion was crowned on Sunday, when Bella King smashed the previous record (my record!) for the 20km TT course out at Champion Lakes. This course used to be my favourite but I'm starting to think I've lost my love for it, don't worry, it'll come back! The wind was definitely out, but unlike the previous days we'd been out here, the wind was gusty and strong on the long back straight. Every lap it felt like the wind had picked up, to the point where I felt like I was crawling on the last lap. Luke Durbridge came flying past me in the third lap and as he'd started 3 minutes behind me I was happy I lasted that long in front of him. He continued to gain time though and finished about 6 minutes faster than me! Whilst I might be aiming for a 40km/hr average (Bella was soo close!) it seems like the boys are aiming for a 50km/hr average. Full results here. I ended up finishing 3rd behind Bella and Mel Hoskins.

In non-cycling news, I had a very flattering comment published recently regarding a paper that I wrote with my supervisor. I guess it is also cycling news because we illustrated some of our points by referring to cycling and in particular, Lance Armstrong, which has provoked some further interest and comments.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friends with big heads

For the last half of last week I had the pleasure of attending a Time Trial Specific training camp in Melbourne with some of the AIS crew Bridie "Levi" O'Donnell, Carlee "Indi" Tayler, Peta "Mouth" Mullens, Amber "Amy Gillet Scholarship holder" Halliday; all of the Fleet Girls; Bec, Anna and Davina and NTID talent from across the country Jessamy "mountain runner" Hosking, Imogen "bicycle ballerina" Vize, Jo "ironwoman" King , Bronwyn "star spotter" Ryan and Carly "powerpack" Light.

We had the pleasure of being measured from head to toe. Guess who had the biggest head? For clues see below. We then proceeded to be tortured by some sports scientists, thanks Andy, with some 2 and 10 minute all out efforts. I wanted to run for the hills. It wasn't that bad in the end! The pain stops when it's gone.

Friday we were lucky enough to be blown away by Monash University's Wind Tunnel. I unfortunately, am not very aerodynamic and have affectionately been termed a brick! I think it's a good excuse to get massaged more regularly and get on my own bike so that I can get in a better, more aerodynamic position. FYI, all of the other Fleet girls are BLADES - so watch out as they come slicing past you.

Saturday and Sunday were the real highlights, hanging out with the AIS and NTID girls, Martin Barrass and other National coaches; getting to ride the potential World Championship course and shopping (I wish!). Other unforgettable moments were hearing about Anna Wilson's climb to the top and her experiences on the world circuit and seeing how many bikes/people could fit in a very small, slow lift.

Had to pass the time somehow....

Monday, March 9, 2009

BRW Corporate Triathlon

If you search the results of the BRW Corporate Tri Sprint event held in Perth on the weekend you won't find my name. That's because I was replacing the best man and I tried to take that literally. "One wheel Matt" was off playing weddings and I got to enter my first triathlon with the Plant Energy Biology team! It was a sprint event, I was doing 10km on the bike but I knew the run to and from the bike leg that was going to kill me.

Despite the very early rise time it was nice to be up and about to watch the sunrise. The team were super organised and excited about the day.

First up for my team was the crazy Frenchman Olivier in the 400m swim
He was not joking around after the swim leg though and made a very quick return to the transition area with a time of 9 min 16s
I got to run with my bike, a new experience and not far down the road felt the effects of it. Luckily the wind was behind me allowing me to recover a little
The ride was awesome although 10km can still hurt. The run back in to transition was the toughest as you can see I'm not as happy on the way back. Time of 18 min 48s (fastest sprint time)
Michelle took over from me to do the 4km run. Time 19 min 53s
Overall, our team came 5th in the Corporate Mixed Division, not bad! Lisa Wood's team came in third just ahead of us.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Back from Pemby

We had a great start to this year's racing calendar with almost 20 women fronting up to race the Pemberton Classic. I did not have the best race weekend but am grateful for the reintroduction of hills to my program. ha!