Yep - I'm getting sick of being sick.
A quick update - early November I was knocked down with glandular fever. Since then I haven't been able to get off the rollercoaster that keeps toying with me. I have good days and bad, and at the moment I don't trust a good day as the sign I'm hoping for that I can resume normal life.
Some cool things I have found out whilst being stuck in bed with a body that feels like it should be able to work, until I get out of bed;
1. Some things don't matter that much
Like a clean house. I love a clean house and like most, I hate cleaning. I hate even more, not being able to clean. I know I should do the dishes. I also know I will need to sit down while doing them and then rest afterwards.
2. Some things in life matter
I have gotten over the guilt of not doing things and have now started to enjoy my time off and getting to know the people that I have missed whilst running around like a headless chook. Enforced rest is not always bad.
3. Caffeine is my friend
I love it.
4. The internets are my friend (and yours too)
The ability to shop online means that I can now eat and play without leaving the house - groceries, clothes, jewellry, stock for the business, work plus all the other good time wasting things. I also managed to buy some new track wheels!!
5. The iPhone saved my life.
Love it, love it, love it. I thought the battery had karked it this morning - yikes - it's ok now tho :)
6. Things happen for a reason
Don't always like to believe in fate, kharma or luck. Sometimes you gotta roll with it though. I have learnt a lot about life, love and friendship and some very good things in my life might not have returned or would have taken a lot longer to happen if I hadn't taken a second look.
Lil j, one of my girls that keeps me sane
7. You have to listen to your body.
I could say a lot about managing fatigue, blah blah, but obviously I haven't quite figure that out fully. I do know what caffeine withdrawal, pain, fatigue, hunger etc do to my mood, my brain and me.
So, let's see what I can do and fingers crossed I'll have made some improvement with the next update.